One of our clients lives in rural Pennsylvania and she was worried that she wouldn’t find any men to date that are geographically nearby. After a month of coaching with us she has men traveling 2-3 hours to meet her for a first date. You are worth traveling for. Don’t shortchange yourself.
When you meet someone for the first time you don’t want to book a three-day weekend only to discover within 5 minutes that you’re not compatible. Try to set up the first meet for as short a time as possible. If it goes well then it will leave both of you wanting more, which is a good thing.
One of our clients met a man who had traveled from out of town to meet her in the city. He planned to stay the whole weekend. Unfortunately, it became clear within the first hour that they were not a good match. After struggling to find common ground the first day, they agreed not to get together for the second.
Don’t set yourself up for a disappointment by anticipating a first in-person meeting to be something big and romantic. Keep it small. Give the two of you the opportunity to get to know each other in a more casual setting. You will have plenty of time to plan bigger trips with plenty of romance if everything goes well.
Have An Agreement About Physical Intimacy Before You Meet Someone For The First Time
This may seem like the least romantic part of our advice, but when you meet someone for the first time you don’t want any assumptions about what may or may not happen to create an awkward situation.
Know what it means to you when you choose to sleep with someone you are dating. Does it mean that you are in an exclusive relationship? Are you okay being casual about sex and not letting it create more expectations?
Have some ground rules for whether and when you feel comfortable sleeping with him. You don’t want to have a romantic dinner with a little too much wine and end up regretting the decision the next day. A man who wants a relationship with you will be willing to wait. The most important role of being in your feminine through the dating process is that you get to set the pace. Never abdicate your power by moving forward to physical intimacy before you’re 100% comfortable with it.
Have Him Book A Hotel, An Air BNB, Or Stay With A Friend
Never have him stay at your place. Simply too many scenarios where things could go wrong. When you meet someone for the first time having boundaries is a good thing.
It is not your job to make things easy or convenient for him. He is a grown man. He can solve his own problems about where to stay and how to get around.
If you want your man to have drive and ambition, then that is how you want to date. Date the way you want to mate and you’ll never find yourself wondering how you ended up with a guy that never takes the initiative.
Another important reason he should never stay at your place is so you have time alone to notice your feelings after the two of you part. This will give you huge insight that cannot be accomplished if he’s in the next room.
Let Him Choose What To Do
You may be the best tour guide for your hometown, but you don’t want to be the man in this situation. Let him decide what he would like to experience. You can certainly give him options to choose from, but ultimately it ought to be his decision where to take you. This way he can budget accordingly.
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